Todos los aportes aqui colocados son extraídos de la web, con la intencion de dar la informacion del mejor contenido disponible en la misma.
Descarga de Torrents en las calidades de Bluray 720p y 1080p Todo Aporte estara en Rip del Bluray con descarga de torrents y los audios los podran bajar de Mega


Sing 2016 Bluray 720/1080/3D Torrent Audio Latino


Set in a world like ours but entirely inhabited by animals, Buster Moon, a dapper koala, presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times. Buster is an eternal-some, might even say delusional-optimist, who loves his theater above all and will do anything to preserve it. Now faced with the crumbling of his life's ambition, he has one final chance to restore his fading jewel to its former glory by producing the world's greatest singing competition.




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